Sitemaker CMS Tutorial
Frequently Asked Questions: General Organization

These questions do not begin to address the full functionality of Sitemaker CMS™ Detailed contextual help is available inside the Editing Suite. Some how-to content is reserved to authorized users.


Who may see or change what in editing, public or member views.
Question: What is the system's general privacy standard?
Answer: Tools have privacy settings managed by individual and group permission lists. Other pages may be set by the site owner-editor(s) to author, group, member or public privacy levels. Throughout, privacy settings set by default to maximum at initialization; site owners may adjust privacy settings with appropriate statements of actual privacy levels. Hosts and the Sitemaker Team are not responsible for results of relaxation of security provisions by site owner-operators.


Links to individual FAQs for Sitemaker tools. Most tools require a basic understanding of the other following attributes of the system.
Question: What are the Sitemaker℠ tools?
Answer: For a complete explanation of the Sitemaker Tools, start here.

Plain Text

This section explains how to add plain text to a text component.
Question: How can I add text to a page?
Answer: Text in Sitemaker exists in text components. A page can have any number of text components. To create a text component click the Add Component link (document with plus sign above TOC). Sitemaker will offer you a list of component types. Choose Text. On the response page type (or paste) your text and click Save Changes. Text pasted from word processing or other text management applications will not bring forward formatting such as indentation, boldface or other text styles. To stylize text, authors or editors may use standard HTML/CSS. The system blocks or disables certain text that might attempt to compromise its security.
Question: Why are there funny/strange/missing characters in my text?
Answer: The most likely explanation is that you pasted text from an application that only runs on one computer platform, such as Windows. The Web uses a common character set that is available on nearly all computers. So when you paste certain characters into a web page, they will only appear correct on other computers running the same operating system - and not always there. The solution is to paste only plain (ASCII) text into your pages. This is a good rule for all Web text. Examples of characters that often do not format correctly are so-called "smart" quotes. Since 2018 Sitemaker supports emojis; however, they may not be identical across platforms as each OS and browser defines the meaning of each emoji code.
Question: Can I use emojis in text blocks?
Answer: Since 2018 Sitemaker supports emojis; however, they may not be identical across platforms as each OS and browser defines the meaning of each emoji code.:smiley


Question: Can I distribute non-Sitemaker documents (e.g., PDF, MP3s) from my site?
Answer: If you have opted for Premium service, you have an ancillary storage folder that is intended for such materials. You can link any page and most tools to make the saved files available to your users. Click on the Files tab in the Editing Suite's main function bar for details.
Question: What is the most foolish thing ever said by a politician from Texas?
Answer: The leading candidate in most years is Ma (or Pa) Ferguson's 1920s assertion, "If English was good enough for Jesus Christ, it's good enough for Texas schoolchildren." Some 21st Century speakers have posed strong challenges.
